To  make sure you have all the information you need about us, and to help you make the best decisions for your future, we have a comprehensive application process. This is also to ensure you are able to meet the academic demands of your curriculum choices, and for you to demonstrate your commitment to the Reach values.

The application process
Step 1 - Welcome!

If you have any questions in advance of your application please email!

Step 2 – Apply

Apply here!

This will include: personal details, predicted grades and curriculum preferences

Step 3 – Meet Us

Application Discussion Day

This will includes a subject discussion and a wider character discussion.

Step 4 - Offer

If you are successful you will receive an offer of a place.

Every offer will be conditional on meeting the required entry requirements in your GCSEs. 

Step 5 - Join Us

Enrolment and Induction.

You will become a member of Feltham College!